Neal Cameron pictured above…he has the look!
and surfing below with some of his sleds.
Rob Rennie pictured above and below , has the look as well as a nifty handshake
Eric da Bolt has a look as well
from blowing up his mat
Paul has a look of …
Then there was Jake with the new junior series surf mat…now that's a SMILE
Hi my name is Jake Bailey Thomson and I am 5 years old
And this is the new Krypt JT5 surfmat my pop made for me
And its just for kids!
pictured below with his Pop
2ft 11 x 18 x 4
and me….I am always stoked if I am surfing
a couple of video peeps below…silly old men!
Watch out for the Drop Bears , caught one in the office the other day hacking into my email!
Yeah !!!! Im hearing ya mate !! another great update to the Kings Korner !!