Saturday 20 March 2021

Natural Flow

 The Surfoplane 

I just picked this beauty up from a wonderful couple up Newcastle way who informed me of its history and sentimental value. It has never been ridden or in fact in the ocean, so mint condition! It was originally bought for the owners brother who was a fairly good kneeboarder back in a day who developed Alzheimer's and this mat was to get him back into the water but unfortunately this never happen as he passed away so it was with a heavy heart that they let it go to me and as I promised , I took it for a surf the very next morning down at Eric's reef and shared plenty of smiles & laughs and Froth Filled Fun! Surfing mats is just a Natural Flow with the wave and its energy , be it a old skool Surfoplane , a el cheapo $40 or even a modern high performance surf mat, they are all essentially a air mattress made with variable material and ridden at variable inflation!So as the old saying goes ' whatever Floats your Boat ' these replicate surfoplanes will always put a huge smile on the riders faces!

check out the video below with Paul Newman & Michael Watkins on the kneeboard

Natural Flow from adam williams on Vimeo.


I scored this mint surfoplane replicate just before Xmas and just in time for a small summer time slop that we experience every holiday season. These are made of full rubber and this one is the long version and the yellow & green is the signature Ozzie colours so was stoked to pick this one up to go with the other 5 surfoplanes in my collection. We found this little creek opening by chance and I came back with my wife for some lunch and a slide and she kindly shot some video with my phone!! Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year 2021

Flash Surfoplane from adam williams on Vimeo.


Gondwanaland or “Gondwana” is the name for the southern half of the Pangaean supercontinent that existed some 300 million years ago. Gondwanaland is composed of the major continental blocks of South America, Africa, Arabia, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, India, Antarctica, and Australia 

I always call this little stretch of coast Gondwanaland but in reality its officially known as Mondayong and for a very short period the creek open up to the ocean and provided a nice bank just off the shelf! Its all gone now, the last big East Coast Low pushed all the sand back in like a bath plug so we were lucky to sample this and Paul brought his drone down one morning to record

All vision below by Paul Newman 

The Creek 

GONDWANALAND-THE CREEK from adam williams on Vimeo.

The next time we came back we had Phil in tow so breaking out the Fourth Gear Flyers and I dusted off the 5 Star General for a spin at the creek.


GONDWANALAND1 from adam williams on Vimeo.

Re Grip

I kept looking at the 5 star in my shed and kept remembering how slippery it was the last time I rode it so with the onset of Covid and not been able to get any new mats of Paul Gross , it was time to give it a make over with some new Polyurethane grip which did not take a huge amount of time to do and gave the slippery old mat a new lease of life .

Magic from adam williams on Vimeo.


I inserted some Xanadu ( magic ) inside for some extra fun 

Xanadu Vimeo from adam williams on Vimeo.


an idealized place of great or idyllic magnificence and beauty.

Xanadu- full version from adam williams on Vimeo.