Tuesday 4 February 2014

No Passport Needed


Justin Spittle pictured above


Surf Mat Fun

last day 2013 surfmatting

Take a few minutes to view this beautifully filmed and edited video from Tim Ciasto and Christina  Nuske
The essence of riding a surf mat.
from Tim Ciasto

Early in the morning, the last day of the year 2013, waist to shoulder high waves were rolling in at the beach Fontanilla in Conil de la Frontera. I took my surfmat and went out. Sliding these waves alone for more than one hour was pure pleasure. Watch the video and get a glimpse of what it is like to ride a surfmat. Enjoy!
Bloom – by Ryan Taubert
Licensed from themusicbed.com
Camera: Christina Nüske and Tim Ciasto

last day 2013 surfmatting from Tim Ciasto on Vimeo.

Huntington Beach Slides
From Chad Stickney

HB SURFMAT Jamo & Matt

James was riding the newest Krypto... Matt was on Gmat Hoth-Monster which is at Cat-Mat model sized a bit smaller for barrel hunting.... It is very manoeuvrable.. Its constantly changing its line, lifting and dipping an inch or 2.. feels like its pumping down the line.

Bend it like Oily…in our own backyard!

and if you have a few more spare moments, check out Barry’s Photography site on Flickr …
Barry Allan Scott Visual Diary
Beautiful Photography.
Angola, Zanzibar, West Africa, New Zealand and Norway

Message from da Bolt


Bolts favourite wave’…backside


Stay Tubed!



  1. Killer videos! I see james and matt out at the cove sometimes and they always get great rides. big island on the bodyboard even gets in that video, I'll have to tell him! Tims last day video is so cool some awesome footage.That last frame grab of yours underwater is a keeper.
    Keep up the great work...play...i mean work...play..no work

  2. Thanks Tom! finally getting some play time and a break from work.
    These are cool vids , so had to share.
