Sunday 23 December 2012

Wrecky Dogs

The video by Robbie Slater


Mr Drift at work below and at play above


This is a small video made by my good mate Robbie Slater aka Mr Drift.


Bad Tour 2010 and surfing 5 Mile


Such is Life


Rob is a very talented man who is a professional sign writer / artist / sculptor / model maker / photographer / board maker / rock ‘n’ roll dancer…the list goes on , but he was once called the ‘Enigma’ by a local surfing magazine and that name springs to my head whenever his name is mentioned….this was a video he made around 2007/2008 was when I just returned from WA and moved down here to the south coast , so I have a few guest appearances in this vid as well as a host of the local wrecky crew… professional surfers, just the boys riding their home break on different forms of surf craft ranging from stand-up, body board and kneeboards , even a quick view of Richard out on his wave ski.


Robbie with some of the Wrecky Dogs....Ian, Chayne and Troy


To say this is a backyard production is a understatement, with all the filming from the water was with a home made water housing and a old video camera held together with sticky tape or from his old 10ft tinnie that he would launch from the boat ramp and motor out to the break to film all day , and always with a fishing rod on board to have a throw and catch his dinner for the night! I can only imagine hour many hours he put into the editing and sourcing of music for this project, with no payment expected , just his love of the break and surfing as his reward !

I was lucky enough to find a copy of it on DVD which I thought was lost till a clean up I had a few days ago and thought this should be shared again for all to see, some great surfing from everybody when they were all a ‘little younger’….bummer I had to compress it down to a bit over 1GB and a mpeg file for Youtube….enjoy what we have on own doorstep!!


‘Oh, the love of photography’….with Brenden

Below  the view from the Village …going off!


Merry Xmas Robbie!

To view more of Robbie’s current work


  1. great post adam
    killer video too! I watched it last nite
    some awesome footage of the place you guys call home
    The enigma is a cool dude
    merry Xmas you guys

  2. Thanks Tommy

    Merry Xmas back to you , Jennifer and Family...have a nice day for tommorrow , your time of course!!!

  3. Hadn't seen this for a while, there's some dodgy bit's id leave out if i was doing it again...anyway thanks for dragging it out of oblivion...makes me want to dance in the sea again

  4. Hey Tom thanks for the link you sent me, there's some great stuff on there..
